Mash Them Up
An art competition for young artists (age 5 to 16) from around the world.
Organized by Xobon Magazine, supported by Art Away Studio & Printing Mantis

Category A: age 5 to 11 Category B: age 12 to 16
How to participate:
Download the entry form by clicking the button below. Print it out on either A4 or US letter size paper. Based on the shapes on the entry form, design and draw your own creature. Your creation must have three parts: head, body and legs/tail. You can add as many details as you like. And for the third portion, it can be legs, tentacles, tails or anything else that makes it stand out. Medium accepted include gouache, acrylic, watercolour, oil pastels, markers and colour pencils. Experimental and mixed techniques are also acceptable, as long as 80% of the work uses some sort of paint, pen or pencil. And don’t forget to name your creature!

<-- This is the entry form. Download it by clicking the button on the right. -->
Rules and regulations:
Mash Them Up Art Competition is open to all young artists in Singapore as well as internationally, from the age of 5 to 16 at the time of entry.
The artwork must be created in physical media (no digital art). Acceptable media include watercolour, acrylic, gouache, poster colours, oil pastels, colour pencils and markers. Experimental and mixed techniques are also acceptable, as long as 80% of the work uses some sort of paint, pen or pencil.
Participants are to download the entry form from Xobon Magazine’s website, and printed onto either A4 or US letter size paper.
The completed artwork must be scanned and emailed to Each file submitted must be in a jpeg format. The file size must not exceed 10MB.
Label your image file in the following manner: full name (not inclusive of middle names), age and country of residence. For example: JaneBrown_12_Singapore.jpeg
All entries submitted must be in colour.
Entries will be judged on originality, creativity and art technique.
One entry per person.
Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges. The judges’ decisions are final.
Entry deadline is 22 July 2022.
Winners will be announced in August 2022 and will be notified by email.
Any questions regarding this art competition should be sent to
All entries/submissions become the property of Xobon Magazine. We reserve the rights to showcase the entries/submissions as we deem fit.
The organiser have the sole right to refuse submissions based on the quality of the image, fair to show requirements, inappropriateness of content, and/or concerns regarding copyright infringement in the original work.
The first prize winner from each category will win an art supply hamper, and they will also be featured on Xobon Magazine.
Second and third prize winners will walk away with a printed tee shirt each (of their winning entries) from Printing Mantis.
Panel of judges:

Disclaimer: Any and all entries in the Mash Them Up Art Contest shall be deemed, and shall remain, the property of Xobon Magazine. Xobon Magazine shall not be subjected to any obligation(s) of confidentiality with respect to any entries, nor are these two entities liable for any use or disclosure of any entries. Without limitations of the foregoing, the undersigned hereby grants Xobon Magazine a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive license of every kind and nature throughout the universe, and Xobon Magazine shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the entries for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to the provider of the entries or any other person or entity.