Joshua Tang

Joshua, a 7-year-old boy (Singapore), may appear to be shy when you first meet him. He is a cheerful kid with plenty to share once he warms up to you. He loves dinosaurs and they are his favourite subject to draw . If he’s not sketching or researching on dinosaurs, he reads books and plays with his brothers.


Astronaut Me
Acrylic paint on drawing paper. Why must astronauts suit always be white? Joshua designed and coloured his space suit to reflect his personality, and according to what he likes.

First artwork: Artist Study: Pete Cromer / Paper Collage 
Mixed media on drawing paper. Joshua learnt about the Australian artist Pete Cromer, and observed his artwork. Cromer creates a lot of texture using paint before cutting them into shapes for his collages. Joshua used this method to create his own version of paper collage.

Second artwork: Automatism 
Acrylic paint on drawing paper. As an introduction to Surrealism, Joshua did an exercise on Automatism. He first drew a random squiggly line on paper, with his eyes shut. He then used his imagination to add in some details to form a painting of a snake and a duck out for a walk!

Third artwork: Artist Study: Salvador Dali / Surrealism 
Acrylic paint on drawing paper. Joshua learnt about Salvador Dali, the famous Spanish artist who was also known as a surrealist. He studied one of Dali’s most famous painting “Persistence of Memory” and read about the meaning behind the artist’s melting clocks. After which, Joshua chose an object (a spoon) and created the “melted effect”, where it hang over a tree branch. Next, he painted unrelated objects to complete this piece.

Lenticular Art: Minion and Batman 
Acrylic paint on drawing paper. Joshua drew two of his favourite cartoon characters before cutting them up into strips. He then glued them in alternating order on a new piece of paper and folded them in accordion style. This creates the illusion for this piece of art.

Dinosaur Sketches 
Pencil on drawing paper. You can find plenty of such sketches in Joshua’s sketchbook. He pays great attention to details of the patterns of the dinosaurs.

Follow Joshua on Instagram.